Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's been too long...

I know..I know...I've let down my loyal readers (also read as: Ashley Gould).  I told you it would be a while until I blogged again, but I never imagined it would be THIS long.

Let's just say...the Bar really got to me.  It has taken me so long to recover, but life has started to have a bit of a routine and I couldn't be happier about it.

So let's chat about what's been happening:

 After weeks of looking like this:

(These were my response photos to Darryl's texts asking, "What are you up to?"  That's me...always looking the library...wanting to die.  NBD.)

I finished up studying and then headed to Columbia for what was the worst three days of my life.  I know...I'm being dramatic.  But y' stunk. SERIOUSLY stunk.  I stayed in my favorite hotel on Main Street (Seen here!..I HIGHLY suggest it). 

A little dessert courtesy of the Sheraton paired with Civil Procedure

I spent every spare second I had in Columbia cramming.  I got in bed and studied. I woke up and studied.  I ate meals and studied.  It was pathetic.

For three days I was in a room full of over 400 people all hand writing exams.  Yes, I said HAND WRITING.  That's 6 hours a day...3 days...  By the time it was all over my entire right arm was aching.

On the third day (also known as the MBE, also known as the multiple choice day) I managed to get a horrific stomach bug.  I mean the kind where  you can't keep your head up.  You could just say it was the icing on the cake for me.  So as soon as time was up I high tailed out of there and headed straight for Raleigh.  I wanted to meet up with all of my friends from law school who were taking the Bar in that state.  We had spent all summer studying together, so I felt it was only appropriate that we celebrate being finished together.  Here are some pictures from that below!

 I won't find out if I passed until the end of October.  Isn't that crazy?  A three month waiting period.  So for now, I'm working on a grant from Wake Law for a small criminal defense firm in Mt. Pleasant.  I'm here for 10 weeks and then hopefully something will work out.  This city's job market has been SO tough it is unbelievable.

So then I packed up my life and moved to Charleston.  Thank goodness for my Mother.  Y'all this woman is an angel.  She came and literally packed up my entire apartment while I spent hours and hours and hours in the library.  Here's my sad little empty apartment all ready for renters and my moving truck!

BIG SHOUT OUT to my future in-laws (parents and siblings), my parents, and the Waltrips for hauling my mass amount of stuff up three flights of stairs in Charleston (EVEN after the power went out and we had no air conditioning).  Y'all are seriously life savers and I adore each everyone of you.


I knew I wanted to go on a trip after the Bar, and it just so happened that my fabulous best friend/MOH Ashley (linked above) was spending the summer living in NYC.  She and her husband, Dan, hosted us for 5 days in the big city and we loved every second of it.  Here's some highlights from the trip:

Side note: WE ATE SO MUCH GOOD FOOD: from bagels to hot dogs to Juniors to a fabulous Italian restaurant inside Grand Central...we seriously ate amazing food.

Yes we stopped at South of the Border, and yes I had to spend the entire trip staring at Darryl's "Bachelor Beard."  RIP Bachelor Beard...I hope you don't ever come visit my handsome fiance's face again.

One of our high school favorites and now resident NYC Socialite, Keith, 
was able to join us for dinner. Love this guy...seriously.

AND one of my law school besties, the always fabulous Miss Vyas

9/11 Memorial

MOMA's Starry Night

Broadway Play - One Man, Two Guvnors (GO SEE THIS ASAP!)  
It was "laugh your butt off" kind of funny 
AND Stephen Colbert was sitting in the row in front of us.  
Isn't this enough of an endorsement?

An epic food truck rodeo down by the water
We're food truck groupies so this was a dream come true for us!  

Me and AshGo - besties since the first grade, y'all!

It was Darryl's first time to the city, and it truly was so memorable.  We love Dan and Ashley so much, and we were so happy to get to spend some time with them.  While we were there, Dan got a full time offer from Goldman Sachs and we were so excited to get to share in such an awesome time in their lives.

3) Playing/Recovering from the Bar
Well...I mean what did you expect?  I spend 10-14 hour days in the library for 9 weeks. I needed to get out!

Fun with my girls in Charleston
My bestie/MOH Kristin was in town for a quick trip from Seattle and my bestie/Bridesmaid Jackie came in from Savannah.  Two of my favorite As (Adele and Alexandra), Stephanie and I were so happy to have them here! 

My parents threw me one awesome Bar party to celebrate me surviving the big, bad Bar.  We had different "bars" all over the house:  salad bar, potato bar, hot dog and hamburger bar, dessert bar, and margarita bar.  Most of my friends and family were all there to help me celebrate, and I seriously could not have felt more blessed.  It was so amazing, and I'm so lucky to have such loving, giving parents!  Now here's hoping I passed the dang test...

Trip to Edisto to see my Katie
One of my law school partners in crime was in Folly with her fabulous friend Katy for the week.  So I couldn't resist heading out to the beach for a little visit!  We had such a great time in that little town...let's just say we pretty much ran karaoke night (also read as Katie ran karaoke night).  Love these girls!

Shooting guns with my awesome Grandpa
Anyone who knows me knows how obsessed I am with my Grandfather.  I mean this man is a HUGE part of my life.  I quite simply adore and respect and adore him. (double adore)  :)  He has been saying for the last few years that he would really like to get his hands on the type of gun he carried in WWII  (yeah - he's an American bad ass...believe it).  Recently he met a man who offered to let him come shoot a gun identical to the one he carried 60 years ago. Kind of awesome right?  He said it was one of the best days of his life (outside of the day he married my Grandmother of course).  Here's some pictures from the day:

Roberson Wedding
You know who is fabulous?  Amy Roberson.  You know why?  She threw one amazing wedding.
Darryl is semi-obsessed with his fraternity brother/groomsmen Josh (okay I am too), and we were more than elated to be invited to share in his big wedding day in Lexington, SC.  Darryl was a groomsmen, and a mighty handsome one at that...  His wife-to-be Amy is so great, and Darryl and I seriously love her.  Here's just some pictures from the wedding weekend:

Awesome right?  We had so much fun, and it was so great to see all the people we love from Winthrop!

Mom Date
Now that I don't live with my parents, I've been making a special effort to have dates with my Momma.  Here's our most recent one to Charleston Restaurant week and Legally Blonde.  Love this woman!

Bottles & Brushes
My bestie/bridesmaid Stephanie is currently living in Charleston, and I am SO happy about it (no matter how long she is here ;) ).  So we decided to partake in a little Bottles & Brushes where you get instruction on how to paint a masterpiece while you drink a little wine.  IT LIVES UP TO THE HYPE.  We are so hooked, and can't wait to go back again!  Here's some pictures of our masterpieces. that's it.  I know...that was a lot. I'm aware.  But, I haven't even told you about how awesome our apartment is coming along!  HOWEVER, we've worked so hard on our place that I decided it deserved it's OWN post.  So look for that coming soon!

AND a post on what should be an amazing tailgate shower this Saturday at the USC vs. Mizzou game thrown by my big sister and my girl Jackie. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! From the bottom of my heart thank you for blogging! Have so much fun at your shower this weekend! I SO SO SO wish I could be there, but I will see you in less than a month!!!
